Food Preparation & Nutrition
“Nutrition for a healthy future”
Our Preparation & Nutrition curriculum intends to:
Inspire pupils to gain knowledge and practical experience of preparing and making a wide range of creative, innovative and complex dishes that enable them to make informed and healthy choices about the foods they eat;
Enable pupils to think critically about the best ethical and moral choices.
Develop an understanding of the practical application of scientific principles of food preparation.
Why Learn Food Preparation & Nutrition?
Food Preparation and Nutrition equips pupils with the knowledge, understanding and skills required to prepare different foods and apply the principles of food science, nutrition and healthy eating. It encourages pupils to cook, enables them to make informed decisions about food and nutrition and allows them to acquire knowledge in order to feed themselves and others affordably and nutritiously, now and later in life.
Course Skills:
Designing and making high quality products using a wide range of skills in the safe and hygienic preparation of food.
Learning about the science behind food and the way the physical and chemical properties of ingredients are essential to creating successful dishes.
Developing organisational skills, including the management of time.
Reading, understanding and following recipes, selecting suitable ingredients.
Sensory analysis of own products as well as existing ones
Using and understanding technical vocabulary and applying it in context.