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  • Religious Education

    Religious Education Inspiring pupils to engage with life's big questions Go Go Our Religious Studies Curriculum intends to: Inspire pupils to engage with life's big questions. Enable pupils to investigate religions and world views through varied experiences, approaches and disciplines. Enable pupils to reflect on the ideas of others and express their own ideas with increasing creativity and clarity and be able to consider how beliefs have an impact on individuals and communities. Our Religious Education curriculum aims to inspire all pupils to engage with life's big questions. We encourage all pupils to think deeply, creativity and to challenge each other's assumptions and misconceptions. Our aim is for all pupils to be able to develop an acceptance of a wide range of faiths and to develop an understanding of different cultures and belief systems. RE is provided for all pupils in our school through dedicated curriculum time and as part of our wider programme of Personal Development. Parents have the right to withdraw their child from RE and if you would like to do so, we welcome a discussion with you. Please use the email address marked "FAO the Senior Leader responsible for Curriculum - RE". Why Learn RE? Religion and beliefs inform our values and are reflected in what we say and how we behave. RE is an important subject, developing an individual's knowledge and understanding of the religions and beliefs which form part of contemporary society. Religious education enquiry provokes challenging questions about ultimate meaning and purpose of life, beliefs about God, the self and the nature of reality, issues of right and wrong, and what it means to be human. It can develop pupils' knowledge and understanding of Christianity, of other principles religions, other religious traditions and worldviews that offer answers to various questions. In the Primary Phase our RE learning is contextualised through a range of religious traditions including: Christian Traditions, Jewish Traditions, Sikhi Traditions, Buddhist Traditions, Islamic Traditions and non-religious viewpoints. We also recognise that everyone's experiences are different and our cycles of enquiry reflect differences within Religious Traditions . The Religious Education course in the secondary phase involves learning about two major world religions, Christianity and Islam, and looks at their beliefs and practices, their customs and traditions, their festivals and holy days. We also learn different ethical perspectives. RE Compliance Document EYFS | KS1 Content KS2 Content Year 7 & 8 Content Year 9 Content Year 10 & 11 Content The RE curriculum follows Hampshire's syllabus, ‘Living Difference’, reflecting mainly Christian traditions of Great Britain whilst taking account of the teaching and practices of the other principal religions represented in Great Britain. In Key Stage 1 we teach RE through a cyclical approach following a 'Cycle of Enquiry'. We teach Key Concepts that link directly to children's own experiences and are contextualised within a variety of religious traditions. Year R: Christian, Jewish and Hindu Traditions. Autumn Term: Celebrating birthdays. Spring Term: Special clothes for Christians and Hindus. Eggs as a symbol of the empty tomb and new life. Summer Term: Celebrations and Shabbat. Managing new situations, looking forwards Year 1: Christian, Hindu and Sikhi Traditions. Autumn Term: Ganesha is special to Hindus. Remembering using an Advent Wreath. Spring Term: Stories Jesus told. Changing emotions during the Christian Easter story. Summer Term: Birth stories and celebrations. Church as a community. Year 2: Christian, Sikhi and Hindu Traditions. Autumn Term: Brahman the creator and creation stories. Elizabeth, Mary and the Magi believed. Autumn Term: Community in the Sikhi Faith. Christian Baptisms and other initiations. Summer Term: Krishna’s birthday Janmashtami. Love for enemies, linking to the civil rights movement. The RE curriculum follows Hampshire's syllabus, ‘Living Difference’, reflecting mainly Christian traditions of Great Britain whilst taking account of the teaching and practices of the other principal religions represented in Great Britain. In Key Stage 2 we teach RE through a cyclical approach following a 'Cycle of Enquiry'. We teach Key Concepts that link directly to children's own experiences and are contextualised within a variety of religious traditions. Year 3: Christian, Buddhist and Jewish Traditions Autumn Term: The Buddha’s journey of enlightenment. Hannukah – A Jewish celebration. Spring Term: Giving and generosity. Holy Week journey – Peter’s journey Summer Term: Buddhism around the world. Hope and change step by step in our lives. Year 4: Christian, Buddhist and Jewish Traditions Autumn Term: “I teach suffering, its origin, cessation and path. That’s all I teach.” declared the Buddha. The people were hoping for a rescuer – Jesus the rescuer. Spring Term: Loyalty – 1. To God 2. To others. Symbols in Christian Traditions. Summer Term: Peace - The Buddha Rupa. Food Rituals in Jewish Traditions . Year 5: Christian, Islamic and Jewish Traditions Autumn Term: Who is the prophet and why is he special to Muslims. Christian Traditions. Magi/Isaiah – Fortune Tellers today. Spring Term: Jewish Traditions – Purim. The Eucharist. Summer Term: Sacred Places. Jesus as a leader. Year 6: Christian, Islamic and Jewish Traditions Autumn Term: Belonging to the community in Islam Angels. Spring Term: Prayer – Including the Lord’s Prayer. Jesus in Art. Summer Term: Exploring the concept of prophet-hood and how it is contextualised within Islam. How rites of passage are marked in other religious traditions and cultures. Year 7 course content: 1. Ethical Thinking Pupils will discuss different ethical theories and begin to engage with the RE intent. 2. What is it like to be a Muslim in the 21st century? Pupils look at concepts such as Umma, Hajj and Jihad and they will explore misconceptions within the Islamic faith. 3. Is Christianity Relevant today? Pupils discuss important concepts within the Christian tradition and discuss whether it still has a place today, including looking at Christmas and Easter. Year 8 course content: 1. What is it like to be Jewish Today? Pupils discuss different concepts and explore what it means to be Jewish, including Brit Milah and the Covenant. 2. How does the Media portray how we think about Religion? Pupils explore different ideas about what the media thinks about religion and discuss Humanism as well as how Religion is shown in films and television. 3. Can Meditation help people overcome suffering? (Buddhism) Pupils will discuss Buddhism and think about concepts such as suffering and enlightenment. They will assess whether meditation can help people to overcome suffering. RE is provided for all pupils in our school through dedicated curriculum time and, as part of our wider programme of Personal Development. Parents have the right to withdraw their child from RE and if you would like to do so, we welcome a discussion with you. Please use the email address marked "FAO the Senior Leader responsible for Curriculum - RE". Year 9 Course Content: Course skills:  Topic 1- Does Religion bring Justice? (Human rights and Social Justice) Pupils will reflect on different Human rights-based issues in society. Topic 2 - Did God break is side of the covenant when he allowed the Holocaust to happen? Pupils will learn about the Holocaust in depth and they will assess different philosophical questions surrounding the Holocaust. Topic 3- Can religion offer an answer to everyday issues? Pupils will consider the concept of agape and unconditional love and they will apply this to medical ethics-based issues.  Pupils will be evaluating the concept of agape and the sanctity of human life and considering whether all human life is special and sacred and will be analysing the impact on individuals and society. Year 10 CORE - taught to all pupils Religion and Identity. Matters of Life Sport. Religion Beliefs in Society. Year 11 CORE at Tutor time: ‘Engaging with Life’s big questions What do Christians believe about the death penalty? Should Sharia Law be upheld? Is prison an effective punishment? What do Christians believe about crime? What are seen as the roles of men and women in Islam? To what extent has the equal pay act helped women? Does Gender discrimination still exist in Islam? Is Marriage still valued in the 21st century? What do Religions believe? Arranged (Sham) marriages. Can they work? Can men and women do the same jobs effectively? What does Christianity teach about peace? Does Christianity allow war? Should all countries have the right to have nuclear weapons? Who am I? What does it mean to be Human? Are Humans and Animals equal in Christianity? What is the meaning of life? Can Religion be the main part of someone’s identity? Can we have multiple identities? What is an ultimate question? Morality is a social construct. Objectively, there is no right or wrong. What does Islam teach about wealth? Do people always use their money wisely? Should they? Do we have a moral duty to help others? What do Christians believe about Euthanasia? Should we have the right to make decisions for others? What does Judaism teach about this? When does life begin in Hinduism? Is death the end or the beginning? What do Christians believe about this GCSE Course Content: Course skills:  Formal essay writing skills/ exam practice Writing to describe / explain  Skills of analysis, interpretation and evaluation. Ability to interpret different ethics and beliefs. Course content:  We follow the AQA syllabus for GCSE Religious Enquiry. The course involves the learning about two major world religions, Christianity and Islam and looks at their beliefs and practices, their customs and traditions, their festivals and holy days. We also learn different ethical perspectives: A study of Islam to include holy books, Muhammad, the Sects, festivals, the 5 pillars, worship, different beliefs. A study of Christianity to include worship, the nature of God, creation, the crucifixion, life after death, worship, pilgrimage, festivals, world poverty. Families and Relationships - sexuality, marriage, contraception, divorce, gender equality, the nature of families. Religion, Peace and Conflict - terrorism, reasons for war, conflict, nuclear war, Holy war, just war. Crime and Punishment - reasons for crime, causes of crime, law breakers, the death penalty, forgiveness. Religion and Life issues - the origins of the universe, abortion, euthanasia, animals, death and the after-life. Assessment: Paper 1: The study of religions: beliefs, teachings and practices of Christianity and Islam. This is assessed in a 105 minute exam. Paper 2: Two r eligious, philosophical and ethical studies themes and two textual studies themes. This is also assessed in a 105 minute exa m Home Learning: Weekly Home Learning will be set in a range of formats: PEA paragraph practice, content learning, and reading around the topic, key word learning, and exam practice. Exam Board: AQA - 8062 Our Curriculum Curriculum Intent Options Careers Curriculum Subjects Art | Fine Art Computing | Computer Science English Design Technology Drama Food Preparation & Nutrition French Geography German History Latin Maths Media Studies Music Personal Development Photography Physical Education Religious Education Science Sculpture Spanish The Wellbeing Curriculum

  • Squash

    Join the squash club for exciting matches, skill improvement, and great camaraderie! Open to all levels. Squash Go Go Beyond the Classroom Clubs | Wraparound | Holiday Clubs Community Lettings Squash Internal / External External Age Range Year 3 - 6 Contact We have been fortunate enough to have the opportunity to have a Westgate school only club provided to us from The Winchester Racquets and Fitness Club. Please email for more details. Go Wraparound | Clubs | Holiday Clubs Go

  • Community Lettings

    Discover versatile facility hire options at our school, perfect for events, sports, and meetings. Modern amenities and flexible scheduling to suit your needs Community Lettings Go Go Beyond the Classroom Clubs | Wraparound | Holiday Clubs Community Lettings Community Lettings Internal / External Internal Age Range NA Contact To hire our facilities at The Westgate School: Visit our external lettings page for more information Current Community who use the School facilities: Brownies Brownies is for all girls aged seven to ten. Girls in Brownies have incredible experiences together, make brilliant friends and discover the world around them. Big Voices Academy Clubbercise Winchester Westgate School - Kids Activity Camp In Winchester | Holiday Club In Winchester | Barracudas A new adventure for 4 ½ to 14 year olds at Winchester kids camp. Based at The Westgate School. This venue has outstanding facilities and features including: Theatre | Sports fields | Sports halls | Waterpark and aqua slide (summer only) | Archery range (minimum age 7 years) | Fencing | Motorsports (under 7's electric go karts) | Woodlands area Dance Starz Find Little Kickers Classes and venues near you for pre school and junior football coaching. Find a football class to match your child's age and in your local area. There are no specific start and end dates, just sign up online and join in! The Florian School of Dance, Dance School Winchester Preschool to Adult Dance Class Timetable. Ballet, Modern, Jazz, Tap & Contemporary Ballet, Modern, Jazz, Tap & Contemporary Preschool to Adult Dance Class Timetable - Winchester Dance School. Integr8 Dance The South’s best provider of dance and specialists in street dance and cheerleading. We hope you can find everything you are looking for; however; please don’t hesitate to get in touch! We provide the best dance services to schools in the South. Platform School of Dance Performing Arts School in Winchester | Stagecoach Our students are given lots of opportunities to shine in class, theatre performances, and in our annual show. Students from Stagecoach Winchester have been involved in West End productions, professional musicals at the Mayflower Theatre in Southampton, Grange Park Opera and Film and Television roles. Saints Foundation | Soccer Schools Saints Foundation delivers Coaching Centre's for both boys and girls aged 5-13 years. The sessions are delivered by our experienced, FA qualified coaches and sessions will cover topics from the Saints Foundation Curriculum which includes; passing, receiving & turning, finishing, 4v4 SSG's and a tournament on the last week of the course. Sports Classes for Kids in Winchester & Hampshire | Sportskool Holiday Clubs Making the most of their down-time . When school’s out, SportSkool’s in - and running a holiday club near you! Throughout the week, your child could be taught a variety of top sports by qualified, DBS-checked and fully insured SportSkool coaches. Winchester Archery Club Dawn Breakers I am Mandy, the lead instructor here at Dawn Breakers Winchester. If you are wondering if this is a good idea, if you're wondering if this is suitable for you, if you’re wondering whether or not you are good enough, fit enough, strong enough to give this a go, the answer to all of the above is ABSOLUTELY YES and it would be my pleasure to help and support you the whole way through. Sports Skool Primary phase - Sport Skool holiday clubs. Go Wraparound | Clubs | Holiday Clubs Go

  • Music Circle

    Join our Music circle Club to explore, discuss, and enjoy the world of music together. All enthusiasts welcome! Music Circle Go Go Beyond the Classroom Clubs | Wraparound | Holiday Clubs Community Lettings Music Circle Internal / External Internal Age Range Year 7 - 11 Contact See EduLink for further details We are a friendly and diverse bunch of music lovers who have a listening club to share our passion with each other in many forms. We meet in L4 each Friday lunchtime from 1.20-1.45pm. We have weekly topics chosen by the leaders and members, special guests to share their love of music and give live performances, competitions and quizzes and even end of term karaoke and dance-offs! Nobody is obliged to join in with that sort of malarkey, but please bring an open mind and ears. Go Wraparound | Clubs | Holiday Clubs Go

  • Statutory Information & SEND

    Access key statutory information and details on SEND provisions at The Westgate School, ensuring transparency and support for all pupils. Statutory Information & SEND Statutory Information & SEND Welcome to our Statutory and Key Information Menu Page. Here you will find links to information related to our statutory information, including governance, exam results and admissions policy. There is also information regarding special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), data protection information and financial information. Governor details - To find out about our Governors and the governing structure. Exam results - To see our recent results please click on the link above. Admissions policy - All schools have admission criteria to decide which children get places. Admission criteria is different for each school. At The Westgate School we work within the Hampshire County Council framework. Further statutory information can be found on the following pages: Our statutory policies on our Policies page Our Pupil Premium, Catch-Up Statement & PE Sports Premium documents page Our Safeguarding page Designated Leader For Mental Health The designated Leader for Mental Health at The Westgate School is Mrs K. Evans, who has participated in training led by the Anna Freud Centre. The role involves leading a whole-school approach to mental health and well-being. This includes assisting colleagues to support children’s emotional well-being and signposting parents/carers to appropriate agencies. Additionally, prioritising and promoting colleagues' well-being to develop a positive culture of mental health and well-being. Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Information Mrs A. Villien (SENDCO All-Through) and Mrs. C. Lunniss (SENDCO Primary lead) To contact the SEND team use the email contact: View the SEND Information Report Access the Hampshire Local Offer The teacher responsible for previously looked after children and looked after children is Mrs J. Edwards (primary school) and Mrs K Evans (secondary school). Data Protection Our aims are to ensure that all personal data collected about colleagues, pupils, parents, governors, visitors and other individuals is, stored and processed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2018 and the expected provisions of the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA 2018) as set out in the Data Protection Bill. Our school processes personal data relating to parents, pupils, staff, governors, visitors and others, and therefore is a data controller. The school is registered with the ICO (Registration reference: ZA336960). Our Data Protection Officer is the Senior Site and Facilities Strategic Lead, and is the first point contact for individuals whose data the school processes and is contactable via Privacy notices: Colleague - Privacy notice Pupil - Privacy notice Parent - Privacy notice Data protection policies: Polices to view include CCTV, Safe Use of ICT for Staff, Freedom of Information and GDPR / Data Protection. View on our Policy page. Financial Information Our school has 1 employee with a wage in excess of £100,000. A link to the government website showing our school's financial benchmarking can be accessed here. Request a paper copy If as a parent you are unable to access information on our website, please either come into the school or use to request a paper copy. Home Our School Headteacher's Welcome Ofsted Safeguarding Statutory Information | SEND Policies Admissions Governance Pupil Premium | Catch-up Statement Vacancies School News Calendar & Open Events Contact

  • Relax Kids

    Our Relax Kids club is the perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life. Relax Kids Go Go Beyond the Classroom Clubs | Wraparound | Holiday Clubs Community Lettings Relax Kids Internal / External Internal Age Range Year 1 - 6 Contact Primary Reception Our Relax Kids Club is the perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life. Whether you're seeking a quiet corner to read, a serene space for meditation, our club offers a welcoming environment for all. Join us and discover the art of relaxation. Go Wraparound | Clubs | Holiday Clubs Go

  • Parent & Staff Association (PSA)

    Parent & Staff Association (PSA) Welcome to the Westgate School Parent & Staff Association (PSA) The PSA is a community of parents and staff who meet informally to raise funds for pupil wellbeing across The Westgate School. As well as fundraising, we plan events to bring our Westgate community together. These include Summer and Christmas fairs, discos, quiz nights, and more! We also run a popular second-hand uniform shop for both upper and lower school uniform. In the last year we have raised nearly £50,000 to support our mission “to advance the education of the pupils of the school”. Funds have been spent on three new gazebos, replacement football goal posts, Bug Club subscriptions, school hall acoustic improvements, the cathedral carol concert, prefect ties, and more. Can you help to make it happen? We promise this doesn't have to take loads of your time - just as much as you're willing to give. And it's a great way to meet new parents and hear what's happening across the school. Contact us - Visit our website for the latest news, to buy second-hand uniform and to buy tickets for events! Home Parents & Pupils School Teaching Hours Exam Information Edulink PSA School Uniform Authorised Absence Request Medicines & Treatment Consent Form

  • Charity Group

    Come and find out how we can make a real difference to charities in our locality and across the world. We are a very active group , with lots of members. Charity Group Go Go Beyond the Classroom Clubs | Wraparound | Holiday Clubs Community Lettings Charity Group Internal / External Internal Age Range Year 7 - 11 Contact See EduLink for further details Come and find out how we can make a real difference to charities in our locality and across the world. We are a very active group , with lots of members. We fundraise and help the school consider other people in need as well as animals. Lots of opportunities to suggest ideas, fund raise in all sorts of ways, organise events, do publicity, give assemblies, work with Lower School and meet new people. We meet in A10 every fortnight 1.15 to 1.45. Bring your lunch and come and join us. Go Wraparound | Clubs | Holiday Clubs Go

  • Computing Club

    An opportunity to speak and explore the field of Computing. Computing Club Go Go Beyond the Classroom Clubs | Wraparound | Holiday Clubs Community Lettings Computing Club Internal / External Internal Age Range Year 7 - 11 Contact See EduLink for further details An opportunity to explore the field of Computing. - Develop your programming skills - Work with Robots - learn about 3d modelling and animation - Explore the world of AI & machine learning - Develop your Digital leadership skills (would you like to become a school Digital Leader?) Go Wraparound | Clubs | Holiday Clubs Go

  • Orchestra (Lower School)

    Orchestra club, experience the joy of making music! Open to all skill levels, we offer fun rehearsals, exciting performances, and a supportive community. Orchestra (Lower School) Go Go Beyond the Classroom Clubs | Wraparound | Holiday Clubs Community Lettings Orchestra (Lower School) Internal / External Internal Age Range Year 1 - 6 Contact Primary Reception Discover the joy of making music with friends! Our Lower School orchestra welcomes musicians of all skill levels. Whether you play strings, woodwinds, brass, or percussion, there's a place for you. Enjoy exciting performances, improve your musical talents, and be part of a supportive community. Rehearsals are fun and rewarding, and we perform at various school and community events throughout the year. Come share your passion for music and create unforgettable memories with us! Go Wraparound | Clubs | Holiday Clubs Go

  • Photography

    Photography Art is not what you see but what you make others see Go Go Our Photography curriculum intends to: Develop intuition, reasoning, imagination and dexterity into unique forms of expression and communication. Promote self-esteem, while teaching us to respect each other and show empathy for each other's individual identities. Give space to think openly and to have confidence in our own opinions on life and the world around us. Encourage a culture of questioners rather than a culture of responders. Course content: Photography sits within the Art Department and is a course we offer from Year 9 onwards. During the course of Year 9 pupils will explore this new subject area and build the foundation skills that are required for the GCSE course, which will begin in Year 10. When going into Year 10 we do not recommend that pupils take 2 or more of the Arts as the demands on your time will be substantial. Pupils often spend many additional hours at our after school club or at home working on their Arts projects and it is hard to give enough time if you are trying to build two portfolios. Photography looks to explore: The ability to explore formal elements of visual language; line, form, colour, tone, pattern, texture, in the context of lens-based and light-based media. Investigating different ways of working as appropriate to their chosen area (s) of learning. Responding to an issue, theme, concept or idea, or working to a design brief. Showing in their work the use of viewpoint, composition, focus control, movement and narrative. Using appropriate techniques, technologies and equipment for recording images and lighting subjects. Showing an understanding of the manipulation and production qualities of still and moving images. Knowledge and Understanding: Pupils will gain knowledge and understanding of: How ideas, feelings and meanings are conveyed and interpreted in images, artefacts and products. Historical and contemporary developments and different styles and genres. How images, artefacts and products relate to social, historical, vocational and cultural contexts. A variety of approaches, methods and intentions of contemporary and historical artists, craftspeople and designers from different cultures and their contribution to continuity and change in society. A working vocabulary and knowledge of specialist terms relevant to their chosen area(s) of learning. Still Life photography, (working from natural or manufactured objects). Documentary photography, photo journalism, narrative photography, reportage. Photography involving a moving image, (television, film and animation). New media practice such as computer manipulated photography and photographic projections. EYFS | KS1 Content KS2 Content Year 7 & 8 Content Year 9 Content Year 10 & 11 Content Photography is not a stand-alone subject at EYFS, KS1 or KS2 but we introduce elements of the discipline within our Arts curriculum. Photography is not a stand-alone subject at EYFS, KS1 or KS2 but we introduce elements of the discipline within our Arts curriculum. Photography is not a stand-alone subject at KS3 but we introduce elements of the discipline within our Arts curriculum. Course content: During the course of Year 9 pupils will develop a working understanding of the form of photography, developing their grasp of how it has evolved over time as well as beginning to structure and edit photos to maximise their impact. We will cover aspects of: Still Life photography (working from natural or manufactured objects). Documentary photography, photo-journalism, narrative photography, reportage. Fine Art photography, photographic installation. Photography involving a moving image (television, film and animation). New media practice such as computer manipulated photography and photographic projections. Photography will enable pupils to consider how ideas, feelings and meanings are conveyed and interpreted in images. Pupils will develop a knowledge and understanding of photography and cameras. Course skills: Pupils will be expected to demonstrate skills and techniques in the context of their chosen area(s) of learning within Photography: The ability to explore formal elements of visual language; line, form, colour, tone, pattern, texture, in the context of lens-based and light-based media. Investigating different ways of working as appropriate to their chosen area (s) of learning. Responding to an issue, theme, concept or idea, or working to a design brief. Showing in their work the use of viewpoint, composition, focus control, depth of field, movement and narrative. Using appropriate techniques, technologies and equipment for recording images and lighting subjects within their chosen area. Showing an understanding of the developing, printing, manipulation and production qualities of still and moving images where appropriate. Understanding the value of working individually and as a member of a team within their chosen area. Knowledge and Understanding: Pupils will gain knowledge and understanding of: How ideas, feelings and meanings are conveyed and interpreted in images, artefacts and products in their chosen area(s) of Photography: lens-based and light-based media. Historical and contemporary developments and different styles and genres in relation to Photography. How images, artefacts and products relate to social, historical, vocational and cultural contexts. A variety of approaches, methods and intentions of contemporary and historical artists, craftspeople and designers from different cultures and their contribution to continuity and change in society within their chosen area(s) of learning in Photography. A working vocabulary and knowledge of specialist terms relevant to their chosen area(s) of learning within Photography. Home Learning: Pupils will be set 1 hour of Home Learning per week. Exam Board: AQA - 8206 Our Curriculum Curriculum Intent Options Careers Curriculum Subjects Art | Fine Art Computing | Computer Science English Design Technology Drama Food Preparation & Nutrition French Geography German History Latin Maths Media Studies Music Personal Development Photography Physical Education Religious Education Science Sculpture Spanish The Wellbeing Curriculum

  • Multi Skills

    Devlop skills relevant to many different sporting activities. Join the Muilti-Skills club. Multi Skills Go Go Beyond the Classroom Clubs | Wraparound | Holiday Clubs Community Lettings Multi Skills Internal / External External Age Range Year 1 - 6 Contact This is organised by an outside provider JD Sports Coaching. Lead organiser - Mr Jon Mann. The club will introduce and develop core skills relevant to many different sporting activities. There is a cost for this club. Clubs are run on different days for age groups. Use the contact details provided for more details. Go Wraparound | Clubs | Holiday Clubs Go

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