Administration of Medicines & Treatment Consent Form
The Westgate will undertake to ensure compliance with the relevant legislation and guidance in Health Guidance for Schools with regard to procedures for supporting children with medical requirements, including managing medicines. It is our policy to manage prescribed medicines (ie; antibiotics, inhalers) where appropriate, following consultation and agreement with and written consent from parents/carers.
Secondary Phase School (Years 7-11) pupils requiring medicines during the School Day must hand a completed and signed Administration of Medicines & Treatment Consent Form (download from here) along with clearly labelled and named medication to Secondary Phase School Reception, for storage in the Secondary School Medical Room, as soon as they arrive.
Primary Phase (Years R-6) pupils or parents should hand the same to the Primary Phase Reception for storage in the Primary Phase Medical Room. Unused medicines beyond their expiry date will be returned to parents in a sealed envelope, for disposal.