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- Vacancies
Explore current job opportunities at The Westgate School and join our dedicated team in providing outstanding education and support to our pupils. Vacancies Vacancies Vacancies Vacancies Vacancies Vacancies Vacancies Vacancies Vacancies Vacancies Vacancies Vacancies Vacancies Vacancies Vacancies Vacancies Vacancies Vacancies Vacancies Vacancies "I am very proud to work at such a fantastic school where all teachers strive for the best for the pupils" Thank you for taking the time to visit our vacancies page. Please see below information about all our current colleague vacancies and why our school is such a special place to work. Please email recruitment@westgate.hants.sch.uk if you need further information. Our current vacancies will appear below Support Positions Teacher Training opportunities Teaching Positions Why Work With Us? Joining Our Team Why Work With Us? Winchester Schools Training Alliance Teacher Training opportunities Exam Invigilators Support Positions History Teacher Teaching Positions Home Our School Headteacher's Welcome Ofsted Safeguarding Statutory Information | SEND Policies Admissions Governance Pupil Premium | Catch-up Statement Vacancies School News Calendar & Open Events Contact
- Exam Invigilators
Join The Westgate School as an Exam Invigilator! Support students during exams, flexible hours, full training provided. Apply by February 27th, 2025. Exam Invigilators Exam Invigilators Exam Invigilators Exam Invigilators Exam Invigilators Exam Invigilators Exam Invigilators Exam Invigilators Exam Invigilators Exam Invigilators Exam Invigilators Exam Invigilators Exam Invigilators Casual contract £12.45 per hour (plus 12.07% holiday allowance) Closing Date : 12 noon, Thursday 27th February 2025 Interview Date: Wednesday 5th March 2025 Would you be interested in helping support our pupils in their GCSE Examinations? We are seeking to recruit new Exam Invigilators to work with the existing team of highly experienced invigilators in the running of all mock and external examinations at our school, including GCSEs. The post would be ideally suited to applicants who feel a sense of responsibility for today’s young people and who are able to work flexible daytime hours. Full training will be provided and working hours will be negotiated for each exam period. New invigilators normally work side by side with more experienced colleagues until they are able to work on their own and exams can be anything from a single pupil in their own room to helping cover in the hall with 200 pupils. As an exam invigilator you will work within a team to ensure that each exam is run in accordance with the formal guidelines, whilst ensuring that our pupils experience their exams in a calm environment. The GCSE Exam season will be 8 May to 18 June 2025 You will be required to be in school by 8.00 a.m. for a morning exam and by 12.15 p.m. for an afternoon exam. You would usually be in a session for about three hours (including setting up and clearing away at the end) but some exams can be longer than this. Parking on site cannot be guaranteed. Our mock exams for this school year are scheduled as follows: 24 June – 04 July 2025 For the mock exams we would require you to be in school by 8.00 a.m. for the first session and 10.30 a.m. for the second session. There will also be a requirement to attend a paid induction session prior to the Examinations and you will need to commit to at least 2 days (or 4 exams per week) during each period. Job Description Closing Date: Midday, Thursday 27th February 2025 Interview Date: Wednesday 5th March 2025 Support Staff Application Form Please email completed application forms to recruitment@westgate.hants.sch.uk If you require further assistance, please email recruitment@westgate.hants.sch.uk or telephone 01962 854757 Safeguarding statement: The Westgate School and Hampshire County Council are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. We will ensure that all our recruitment and selection practices reflect this commitment. Pre-employment checks: All successful candidates will be subject to Disclosure and Barring Service checks along with other relevant employment checks, which will include an online search, in line with Keeping Children Safe in Education recommendations. Equal opportunities: No applicant or employee will receive less favourable treatment because of age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation, marriage or civil partnership and pregnancy or maternity, unless a Genuine Occupational Requirement (GOR) applies. Use of AI: We understand that you might use AI and other resources for your application, however, please ensure all information you provide is factually accurate, truthful, and original and doesn’t include ideas or work that isn’t your own. This is so that your application is authentically and credibly your own. Home Our School Headteacher's Welcome Ofsted Safeguarding Statutory Information | SEND Policies Admissions Governance Pupil Premium | Catch-up Statement Vacancies School News Calendar & Open Events Contact
- Wraparound
Westgate Wraparound is based at Westgate's Primary Phase and provides breakfast and after school provision, five days per week for primary school aged children. Wraparound Go Go Beyond the Classroom Clubs | Wraparound | Holiday Clubs Community Lettings Wraparound Internal / External Internal Age Range Year R - 6 Contact wraparound@westgate.hants.sch.uk Westgate Wraparound is based at Westgate's Primary Phase and provides high quality childcare in a safe and secure environment, with a relaxed and homely atmosphere five days a week for our Primary Phase children. Beginning at 7.45 am and running until the start of the school day, breakfast sessions include supplying a healthy breakfast (served until 8.30 am). After school sessions will begin at 3.20 pm and run until 6 pm, Monday to Friday. After school sessions will include a light snack. We have a brilliantly equipped playground and aim to provide a wide range of stimulating and creative activities for the children to enjoy. Some of our activities include outside play, craft, board games, imaginary role play, sports and seasonal/themed activities. Where other specialised clubs run after school on Westgate's campus (run by external providers, additional fees payable), Westgate Wraparound colleagues will ensure that your child is taken and collected from the club and their light snack will be saved for them. Sessions cost £7 per breakfast session and £15 per after school session. Places are in demand. Please email wraparound@westgate.hants.sch.uk for more information or to express an interest in a place. Expression of interest - to be updated Westgate Wraparound Parent Handbook - to be updated Go Wraparound | Clubs | Holiday Clubs Go
- Clubs | Wraparound | Holiday Clubs
Discover The Westgate School's diverse clubs, wraparound care, and holiday activities for all pupils. Engaging programs before, during, and after school Clubs | Wraparound | Holiday Clubs Clubs | Wraparound | Holiday Clubs We are very excited to be able to offer a large variety of extra-curricular activities. There are clubs available for all pupils, but please be aware that some clubs specify which year groups are able to attend. Most clubs currently run both before and after school and some during break times. You will also find details for wraparound care, our before and after school childcare for primary school aged pupils. We will also list holiday clubs when available. Please note some clubs are offered by teaching staff and that others are organised through outside agencies and there may be costs involved - please contact the organisers for information. We aim to offer as broad a range of clubs as possible however, these may change on a termly basis, depending on staffing and availability of facilities. Please use the contact details available on the club pages for details. Note that internal led clubs are usually bookable by EduLink . Filter by Tags Community Lettings Wraparound Care Y01 Y02 Y03 Y04 Y05 Y06 Y07 Y08 Y09 Y10 Y11 YR All Things Fantasy Football Year 7 - 11 Art - Flying Colours Year R - 6 Art Club Year 7 - 9 Badminton Club Year 7 - 11 Basketball Year 7 -11 Basketball & Netball Year 3 - 6 Book Club Year 8 Brass Group Year 7 - 11 Breakfast Club Year 7 - 11 CHILLAX Year 7 - 11 Charity Group Year 7 - 11 Chess Club Year 7 - 11 Community Lettings NA Computing Club Year 7 - 11 Concert Band Year 7 - 11 Creative Writing Club Year 7 - 11 Curriculum Group Year 7 - 11 Dance Starz Year R - 11 Debate Club Year 7 - 11 Drama Clubs Year 7 - 11 Eco-Group Year 7 - 11 Feeba Football - Girls Football Year 1 - 6 Fencing Year 3 - 5 Film and TV Club Year 7 - 11 Flute and Clarinet Choir Year 7 - 11 Folk Group Year 7 - 11 Football Year 7 - 11 Gymnastics Year 7 - 11 Health & Fitness (morning) Year 7 - 11 Interg8 Dance Year 1 - 6 Jazz Ensemble Year 7 - 11 Junior Orchestra Year 7 - 11 Keyboard Club Year 7 - 8 Mandarin Year 3 - 6 Multi Skills Year 1 - 6 Music Circle Year 7 - 11 Music Theory Year 7 - 11 Netball Year 7 - 11 Orchestra (Lower School) Year 1 - 6 Relax Kids Year 1 - 6 Rock Choir Year 7 - 11 Rugby Year 7 - 11 Saints Football Year 1 - 6 Samba Band Year 7 - 11 Sci-Fi & Fantasy Club Year 7 - 11 Senior Orchestra Year 7 - 11 Squash Year 3 - 6 String ensemble Year 7 - 11 Table Tennis Year 7 - 11 Tennis Year 1 - 6 USKO Karate South Year 1 - 6 Volleyball Year 9 - 10 Wraparound Year R - 6 Beyond the Classroom Clubs | Wraparound | Holiday Clubs Community Lettings
- Curriculum Subjects
Discover the diverse range of subjects offered at The Westgate School, designed to inspire and challenge students across all key stages. Curriculum Subjects Curriculum Subjects Curriculum Subjects Curriculum Subjects Curriculum Subjects Curriculum Subjects Curriculum Subjects Curriculum Subjects Curriculum Subjects Curriculum Subjects Curriculum Subjects Curriculum Subjects Curriculum Subjects Find out more about our range of subjects from Early Years to Year 11. Some subjects are only taught for specfic year groups. You can filter these out by selecting your child's year group below. EYFS | KS1 KS2 Y07 Y08 Y09 Y10 Y11 Art | Fine Art Computing | Computer Science Design Technology Drama English Food Preparation and Nutrition French Geography German History Latin Maths Media Studies Music Personal Development Photography Physical Education Religious Education Science Sculpture Spanish Well-being Curriculum Our Curriculum Curriculum Intent Options Careers Curriculum Subjects Art | Fine Art Computing | Computer Science English Design Technology Drama Food Preparation & Nutrition French Geography German History Latin Maths Media Studies Music Personal Development Photography Physical Education Religious Education Science Sculpture Spanish The Wellbeing Curriculum
- Personal Development
Personal Development Our school partners with parents, carers, and the wider community to create a safe, inclusive, and happy environment where pupils develop a strong knowledge of self. We help them understand their strengths, make responsible choices, and recognise the consequences of their actions. By providing opportunities to explore careers, set goals, and build essential skills, we support pupils in planning for their future. We also foster a sense of responsibility to others and society, encouraging empathy, community engagement, and global citizenship. This holistic approach prepares pupils to lead fulfilling, purposeful lives beyond school. Go Go Our Personal Development Curriculum intends to: Enable pupils to make effective choices. Teach pupils to be mindful of British Values. Develop pupils into positive citizens of modern-day Britain. Why Learn Personal Development? Personal Development (PD) equips pupils to live healthy, safe, productive, capable, responsible and balanced lives. It encourages them to be enterprising and supports them in making effective transitions, positive learning and career choices and in achieving economic well-being. A critical component of PD education is providing opportunities for children and young people to reflect on and clarify their own values and attitudes and explore the complex, and sometimes conflicting, range of values and attitudes they encounter now and in the future. Personal Development education helps pupils to cope with the changes at puberty, introduces them to a wider world and enables them to make an active contribution to their communities. The curriculum for Personal Development is led by our Designated Safeguarding Lead Practitioner (All-Through), Year Leaders and nominated colleagues in our primary phase. This ensures that the content is always age appropriate. Ground rules are used in all lessons to ensure that this aspect of our curriculum is facilitated in an emotionally safe way. All teachers are supported to deliver PD lessons in an appropriate way through a CPD programme and individual support by the Year and Assistant Year Leaders. Specialist teachers are used to deliver some aspects of the curriculum. EYFS | KS1 Content KS2 Content Year 7 & 8 Content Year 9 Content Year 10 & 11 Content This aspect of our curriculum is delivered by class teachers with specialist input and assemblies where appropriate. Personal Development offers explicit and implicit learning opportunities based on key themes that are considered throughout all key stages. Different teaching methods are used, such as direct teaching, discussion and debate, research, books, stories, visiting speakers and workshops. The schemes of work and lessons are planned to implement the curriculum intent and are flexible, reflecting pupils’ needs, with adaptations to take on board pupils and parental feedback, ideas and topical issues in society. During Key Stage 1 pupils learn about themselves as developing individuals and as members of their communities, building on their own experiences and on the early learning goals for personal, social and emotional development. Throughout the Primary Phase, each class uses a large Personal Development journal to evidence our curriculum. The core themes of the curriculum are Health and Well-being, Relationships and Living in the Wider World. 1. Health and Well-being: Pupils learn about Healthy Lifestyles: physical well-being, mental health, ourselves growing and changing, keeping safe; drugs, alcohol, tobacco and vaping. They learn the basic rules and skills for keeping themselves healthy and safe and for behaving well. They have opportunities to show they can take some responsibility for themselves and their environment. Our pupils are taught: To make simple choices that improve their health and well-being. How to maintain personal hygiene. That some diseases spread and can be controlled. About the process of growing from young to old and how people's needs change. The names of the main parts of the body; That all household products, including medicines, can be harmful if not used properly; Rules for, and ways of, keeping safe, including basic road safety, and about people who can help them to stay safe. 2. Preparing to play an active role as citizens As members of a class and school community, they learn social skills such as how to share, take turns, play, help others, resolve simple arguments and resist bullying. They begin to take an active part in the life of their school and its neighbourhood. Our pupils are taught to: Take part in discussions with one other person and the whole class. Take part in a simple debate about topical issues. To recognise choices they can make, and recognise the difference between right and wrong. Agree and follow rules for their group and classroom, and understand how rules help them. Realise that people and other living things have needs, and that they have responsibilities to meet them. That they belong to various groups and communities, such as family and school. What improves and harms their local, natural and built environments and about some of the ways people look after them. How to contribute to the life of the class and school. Realise that money comes from different sources and can be used for different purposes. 3. Developing good relationships and respecting the differences between people They begin to learn about their own and other people's feelings and become aware of the views, needs and rights of other children and older people. Our pupils are taught: To recognise how their behaviour affects other people. To listen to other people, and play and work cooperatively. To identify and respect the differences and similarities between people. That family and friends should care for each other. That there are different types of teasing and bullying, that bullying is wrong, and how to get help to deal with bullying. Breadth of opportunities Our pupils will be taught the knowledge, skills and understanding through opportunities to: Take and share responsibility (for example, for their own behaviour; by helping to make classroom rules and following them; by looking after pets well). Feel positive about themselves (for example, by having their achievements recognised and by being given positive feedback about themselves). Take part in discussions (for example, talking about topics of school, local, national, European, Commonwealth and global concern, such as 'where our food and raw materials for industry come from'). Make real choices (for example, between healthy options in school meals, what to watch on television, what games to play, how to spend and save money sensibly). Meet and talk with people (for example, with outside visitors such as religious leaders, police officers, the school nurse). Develop relationships through work and play (for example, by sharing equipment with other pupils or their friends in a group task). Consider social and moral dilemmas that they come across in everyday life (for example, aggressive behaviour, questions of fairness, right and wrong, simple political issues, use of money, simple environmental issues). Ask for help (for example, from family and friends, midday supervisors, older pupils, the police). Long Term Plan Personal Development Curriculum overview This aspect of our curriculum is delivered by class teachers with specialist input and assemblies where appropriate. Personal Development is integral to all we teach and is delivered through a mixture of discrete lessons and within other curriculum areas. The aim of our teaching is to put in place the building blocks needed for positive and safe relationships of all kinds, starting with family and friends, and moving out to other kinds of relationships, including online. We understand that parents are the primary teachers of their children and that this subject should complement what pupils are taught at home, with the active involvement of parents in the subject to ensure it is effective. Personal Development offers explicit and implicit learning opportunities based on key themes that are considered throughout all key stages. Different teaching methods are used, such as direct teaching, discussion and debate, research, books, stories, visiting speakers and workshops. The schemes of work and lessons are planned to implement the curriculum intent and are flexible, reflecting pupils’ needs with adaptations to take on board pupils and parental feedback, ideas and topical issues in society. In the Primary Phase, each class uses a large Personal Development journal to evidence our curriculum. The core themes of the curriculum are Health and Well-being, Relationships and Living in the Wider World. Health and Well-being: We will look at the characteristics of good physical health and mental well-being. Teachers will be clear that mental well-being is a normal part of daily life, in the same way as physical health. We also support our pupils to be able to recognise and talk about their emotions, as well as understanding that it is common for people to experience mental ill health. During key stage 2 pupils learn about themselves as developing individuals and as members of their communities, building on their own experiences and on the early learning goals for personal, social and emotional development. Pupils learn about Healthy Lifestyles: physical well-being, mental health, ourselves growing and changing (puberty in Years 5 & 6), keeping safe; drugs, alcohol, tobacco and vaping. Relationships: We teach the basic rules and skills for keeping themselves healthy and safe and for behaving well. Pupils have opportunities to show they can take some responsibility for themselves and their environment. They begin to learn about their own and other people's feelings and become aware of the views, needs and rights of other children and older people. Pupils learn about: families and close positive relationships, friendships, managing hurtful behaviour and bullying, safe relationships, respecting self and others. Some of this work is led by our Anti Bullying Lead. Living in the wider world: As members of a class and school community, they learn social skills such as how to share, take turns, play, help others, resolve simple arguments and resist bullying. They begin to take an active part in the life of their school and its neighbourhood. Pupils learn about: shared responsibilities, communities, media literacy and digital resilience; economic well-being (money) aspirations, work and careers. Long Term Plan: Personal Development Key Stage 3 Curriculum Content In the secondary phase the curriculum is delivered through an extended tutor session on a weekly basis and supplemented by external speakers, small group work in afternoon tutor sessions and, through assemblies. Additional follow up conversations take place as part of the half termly 1:1 mentoring sessions that pupils have with their tutor. If additional mentoring is required, then this might be carried out by The Year or Assistant year Leader or a member of the pupil support team. Health and Well-being: Pupils learn about: self-concept, mental health and emotional well-being, healthy lifestyles and health related decisions, drugs alcohol and tobacco, managing risk and personal safety, puberty, sexual health and fertility. Relationships: Pupils learn about: positive relationships, relationship values, forming and maintaining respectful relationships, consent, contraception and parenthood, bullying, abuse and discrimination and social influences. Living in the Wider World: Pupils learn about: learning skills, choices and pathways, work and careers, employment rights and responsibilities, financial choices, media literacy and digital resilience. Despite these topics being the same throughout KS 3 and 4 the curriculum is spiralling, with these topics being revisited but in greater depth, and from different perspectives, as the pupils move through the school. Real-time adaptations are made to curriculum planning in response to feedback from parents, pupils and, to take into account wider topical issues/events and, our learning about the issues affecting young people. In Year 7, pupils will also have a one hour Personal Development lesson as part of their weekly timetable. Year 7 lesson will include : My Life To be able to explore puberty, menstruation, different types of feelings, the age of consent, healthy friendships, family, bullying. Statutory elements of RSE. Rights, Respect and Responsibility To explore the role of the UNCRC on protecting children and the role that Citizenship plays for individuals. Diversity of Britain Living in the wider world, exploring multi-culturalism in the UK and looking at the British Values and Protected characteristics. Law and Order To explore different types of Punishment, Law and Order, Youth crime and why young people may commit crimes. In the secondary phase the curriculum is delivered through an extended tutor session on a weekly basis and supplemented by external speakers, small group work in afternoon tutor sessions and, through assemblies. Additional follow up conversations take place as part of the half termly 1:1 mentoring sessions that pupils have with their tutor. If additional mentoring is required, then this might be carried out by The Year or Assistant Year Leader or a member of the pupil support team. Health and Well-being: Pupils learn about: self-concept, mental health and emotional well-being, healthy lifestyles and health related decisions, drugs alcohol and tobacco, managing risk and personal safety, puberty, sexual health and fertility. Relationships: Pupils learn about: positive relationships, relationship values, forming and maintaining respectful relationships, consent, contraception and parenthood, bullying, abuse and discrimination and social influences. Living in the Wider World: Pupils learn about: learning skills, choices and pathways, work and careers, employment rights and responsibilities, financial choices, media literacy and digital resilience. Despite these topics being the same throughout KS 3 and 4 the curriculum is spiralling, with these topics being revisited but in greater depth, and from different perspectives, as the pupils move through the school. Real-time adaptations are made to curriculum planning in response to feedback from parents and pupils and to take into account wider topical issues/events, and our learning, about the issues affecting young people. In the secondary phase the curriculum is delivered through an extended tutor session on a weekly basis and supplemented by external speakers, small group work in afternoon tutor sessions and, through assemblies. Additional follow up conversations take place as part of the half termly 1:1 mentoring sessions that pupils have with their tutor. If additional mentoring is required, then this might be carried out by The Year or Assistant Year Leader or a member of the pupil support team. Health and Well-being: Pupils learn about self-concept, mental health and emotional well-being, healthy lifestyles and health related decisions, drugs alcohol and tobacco, managing risk and personal safety, puberty, sexual health and fertility. Relationships: Pupils learn about: positive relationships, relationship values, forming and maintaining respectful relationships, consent, contraception and parenthood, bullying, abuse and discrimination and social influences. Living in the Wider World: Pupils learn about: learning skills, choices and pathways, work and careers, employment rights and responsibilities, financial choices, media literacy and digital resilience. Despite these topics being the same throughout KS 3 and 4 the curriculum is spiralling, with these topics being revisited but in greater depth, and from different perspectives, as the pupils move through the school. Real-time adaptations are made to curriculum planning in response to feedback from parents, pupils and, to take into account wider topical issues/events and, our learning about the issues affecting young people. In Year 10, pupils will also have a one hour Personal Development lesson as part of their weekly timetable. Year 10 lesson will include: Careers To prepare pupils for the application process for college and part time jobs, including supporting them with interview techniques. RSHE To deliver the Relationship Sex Health Education compulsory content. Philosophical and Ethical issues: To explore religious experience, arguments for and against Gods existence, suffering, ethics and mythology. Religious attitudes towards matters in life: To explore the ethics surrounding IVF, Cloning, Organ Donation, Human Experimentation. Sport and Ethics To explore the ethics surrounding sport, looking at the ethics in sport, drugs to support performance, religions and participation in sport, sport and competition. Our Curriculum Curriculum Intent Options Careers Curriculum Subjects Art | Fine Art Computing | Computer Science English Design Technology Drama Food Preparation & Nutrition French Geography German History Latin Maths Media Studies Music Personal Development Photography Physical Education Religious Education Science Sculpture Spanish The Wellbeing Curriculum
- Safeguarding
The Westgate School's commitment to safeguarding, ensuring a safe and supportive environment for all students with clear, transparent processes. Safeguarding Safeguarding Safeguarding Guidance The statutory guidance from the Department for Education issued under Section 175 of the Education Act 2002 states that all schools and colleges must have clear and transparent safeguarding processes. All Senior leaders within our School are trained Safeguarding Leads and all colleagues receive regular safeguarding training. Safeguarding is a standard item on Senior Leadership and Governor agendas. If your concern pertains to a matter of child safety, please do not hesitate to call the School Office (01962 854757) asking to speak to: Secondary Phase: Your child’s Year Leader Primary Phase: Mrs Edwards, Head of Primary Phase and Nursery, Senior Designated Safeguarding Lead All-Through and Nursery Nursery: Miss Bates (Nursery manager) Mrs Kirby (Deputy Manager) Mrs Condon (Deputy Manager) Mrs Edwards (Overall Responsibility) Mr Pearce, Deputy Headteacher, Senior Designated Safeguarding Lead Mrs Fyvie-Rae, Associate Senior Leader, Designated Safeguarding Lead Mrs Evans, Deputy Headteacher, Senior Designated Safeguarding Lead All-Through Alternatively, please send an email using CHILD SAFETY as the title to safeguarding@westgate.hants.sch.uk Please note this account is monitored during school open hours during term time only. If you have a concern about child safety out of hours and term time contact Children’s Services on 0300 555 1384 or the Police on 101 (non-emergency) or 999 (emergency) For Pupils Emails are not monitored during the holidays so adults in school will not receive your email. If you are in immediate need of support, then you should tell an adult you trust. You can also call a service such as Childline: 0800 1111 and Samaritans 116123 or Police 101 or in an emergency 999 - Kooth - Home - Kooth - is another online service that is free to use. For all initial contacts to the LADO service please submit an initial enquiry form . Initial enquiry forms will be reviewed by a LADO and advice provided as appropriate. If further information is required, you may be asked to complete a LADO notification form. If you need to report an allegation you can contact the LADO. Phone: 01962 876364 Information relating this aspect can be found on HCC page: Allegations against people in a position of trust | Children and Families | Hampshire County Council ( hants.gov.uk ) Keeping Children Safe in Education Further details on reporting child abuse can be found here Hampshire County Council: Reporting Child Abuse The key people with regards to this aspect of the school are: Mr Pearce, Deputy Headteacher, All-Through Senior DSL Mrs Luzmore, Governor, Safeguarding Governor Mrs Edwards, Head of Primary Phase and Nursery, Senior DSL Mrs Fyvie-Rae, Associate Senior Leader, DSL - Lead Practitioner All-Through Mrs Evans, Deputy Headteacher, Senior DSL All-Through Mrs Christian, PA to Senior Deputy Headteacher, Deputy DSL Mrs Wild, PA to Headteacher, DSL Mrs Dean , Headteacher, DSL Mr Green , Assistant Headteacher, Deputy DSL Mr Hurley , Assistant Headteacher, Deputy DSL Mr Barton , Assistant Headteacher, Deputy DSL DSL means Designated Safeguarding Lead Home Our School Headteacher's Welcome Ofsted Safeguarding Statutory Information | SEND Policies Admissions Governance Pupil Premium | Catch-up Statement Vacancies School News Calendar & Open Events Contact
- Governance
The Westgate School's Board of Governors, dedicated to ensuring clarity of vision, educational performance, and financial oversight for the school. Governance Governance Board of Governors The Westgate School’s board of governors consists of fifteen members drawn from the school’s parents, colleagues and local community. The board has three core functions: Ensures clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction; Holds the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff; Oversees the financial performance of the school and makes sure its money is well spent. Governors at The Westgate School are all members of either the Curriculum Committee , which monitors educational progress at all stages from nursery to KS4, learning environment and pastoral support system, or the Resources Committee , which is concerned with finance, staffing matters and facilities. Safeguarding is a constant priority and appears on every committee and Full Governing Body meeting agenda. As well as committee work, governors may have additional monitoring responsibility for aspects such as health and safety, SEND or safeguarding. Finally, governors are also linked with different aspects of strategic school functions and undertake regular monitoring visits. Chair and Vice Chair of Board of Governors and Committee Chairs Penelope Catchpole - Chair Responsibilities - Link Governor for SEND inc LAC, Primary Phase & Nursery link governor Penny has been a governor at The Westgate School since 2010, initially as a parent Governor and currently as a co-opted Governor. Her three children all attended the school and all have now graduated from university. Penny has lived all over the UK and settled in Winchester in 2001. She ran her own legal practice for 10 years and then spent nearly 6 years working in Children's Services at Hampshire County Council. Penny is a member of the Curriculum committee having been a past Chair. Christopher Sermon - Vice chair Responsibilities - Chair of Resources Committee, SFVS/FMSIS Auditing Chris has been a governor at The Westgate School since 2014, initially as a parent Governor and currently as a co-opted Governor; having previously served for eight years as parent governor at Western Primary School. He became Chair of the Resources Committee in 2018, and vice-Chair of Governors in 2021. Now retired, Chris is a Chartered Accountant specialising in financial regulation and customer protection. Born and brought up in Winchester, Chris trained initially in London (including a year at the Bank of England) moved to Hungary for five years, then worked throughout Central and Eastern Europe before settling down back in Winchester. He has two children, both of whom have now left the school and are currently studying at university. Claire Woodcock - Chair of the Curriculum Committee Claire has been a governor at The Westgate School since January 2024, as a parent governor, having previously served for seven years as a governor at Western Primary School, and as Chair of Governors for 3 years. Claire became Chair of the Curriculum Committee in July 2024. Born and brought up in Winchester, Claire left in 1990 to complete her university education in London. She has since worked and travelled all over the world as a Management Consultant. Most recently, Claire works with Hampshire County Council to improve and transform the journey of the child through social care. Claire has also spent 10 years of her career as a teacher of French and Spanish and head of KS4 in a south London secondary school. Claire has one daughter, currently enjoying The Westgate School and all it has to offer. Simon Wilson - Curriculum, Rotherly Day Nursery Committee, Pay Committee Simon has been a Governor since 2019 and currently chairs the Nursery committee as well as sitting on the Curriculum committee. He is a co-opted Governor but is also a Westgate parent having had three daughters pass through the school. Simon worked overseas as a senior journalist and editor for BBC foreign news for more than twenty years including postings as Bureau Chief in Washington, Brussels and Jerusalem. He returned to the UK in 2018 to work as a senior manager with the BBC World Service and settled in Winchester with his wife and daughters. Please contact the school office i f you would like to contact one of our Governors. Statutory Governors’ details Governor Committee Membership Instrument of Government Variation Governors' Code of Conduct Policies approved by the Governing Body Declarations of Pecuniary Interests Governor Meeting Attendance Should you wish to look at the minutes of the FGB meetings, please make an appointment with the school. Home Our School Headteacher's Welcome Ofsted Safeguarding Statutory Information | SEND Policies Admissions Governance Pupil Premium | Catch-up Statement Vacancies School News Calendar & Open Events Contact
- History Teacher
Join The Westgate School’s History Faculty! We’re seeking a motivated History teacher for April 2025. Apply to be part of our outstanding academic community. History Teacher History Teacher History Teacher History Teacher History Teacher History Teacher History Teacher History Teacher History Teacher History Teacher History Teacher History Teacher History Teacher Permanent Full time MPR/UPR; ECTs are welcome to apply To start from April or September 2025 Closing Date: Tuesday 11th February 2025 (noon) Interview Date: Thursday 13th February 2025 An exciting opportunity has arisen for a highly motivated professional to join our very successful team in this outstanding, all-through school. We are particularly proud of the excellent progress our pupils make and are looking for an outstanding practitioner to join our team. The successful candidate will be a team player and passionate about pupils’ learning and the teaching of History. The Westgate School has a strong academic tradition where pupils excel because of the exceptional partnership for learning that exists between pupils and adults in our school community. Employees are “incredibly proud” to work at this school (Ofsted, 2023). There is a strong ethos of mutual support in our school and colleagues benefit from generous non-contact time as well as a whole school commitment to supporting professional learning in a culture of “high expectations without fear”. Key attributes: To be passionate about enabling all pupils to make good progress in learning; To be able to support the team in developing the curriculum and assessment; To develop new initiatives and pedagogies which will continue to improve the teaching and learning; To actively engage in a culture of learning from each other and sharing good practice; To promote History by celebrating pupils’ success and organising enrichment activities. To be committed to supporting the school strategy for reading and literacy for learning. We will provide you with: The opportunity for professional development in one of Hampshire’s top schools for progress and attainment; The opportunity to work in a vibrant, all-through school setting with excellent facilities; The support of experienced and highly motivated colleagues across all Key Stages; A friendly, welcoming school community; Preferential nursery places in our on-site nursery at a reduced price; Free on-site parking; Free use of health and fitness facilities; Preferential admission to The Westgate School for employees' children after 2 years of employment. Teaching Application Form Please email completed application forms to recruitment@westgate.hants.sch.uk If you require further assistance, please email recruitment@westgate.hants.sch.uk or telephone 01962 854757 Safeguarding statement: The Westgate School and Hampshire County Council are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. We will ensure that all our recruitment and selection practices reflect this commitment. Pre-employment checks: All successful candidates will be subject to Disclosure and Barring Service checks along with other relevant employment checks, which will include an online search, in line with Keeping Children Safe in Education recommendations. Equal opportunities: In order to combat discrimination, no unnecessary conditions or requirements will be applied which could have a disproportionately adverse effect on any one group. All sections of the population will have equal access to jobs. No applicant or employee will receive less favourable treatment because of age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation, marriage or civil partnership and pregnancy or maternity, unless a Genuine Occupational Requirement (GOR) applies. Use of AI: We understand that you might use AI and other resources for your application, however, please ensure all information you provide is factually accurate, truthful, and original and doesn’t include ideas or work that isn’t your own. This is so that your application is authentically and credibly your own. Home Our School Headteacher's Welcome Ofsted Safeguarding Statutory Information | SEND Policies Admissions Governance Pupil Premium | Catch-up Statement Vacancies School News Calendar & Open Events Contact
- Tennis
Join the tennis club for fun, fitness, and friendly competition! Open to all skill levels. Tennis Go Go Beyond the Classroom Clubs | Wraparound | Holiday Clubs Community Lettings Tennis Internal / External External Age Range Year 1 - 6 Contact michelle@winchesterracquetsandfitness.net We have been fortunate enough to have the opportunity to have a Westgate school only club provided to us from The Winchester Racquets and Fitness Club. It will be led by Michelle Dutton, an experienced fully qualified LTA coach. Please email for more details. Go Wraparound | Clubs | Holiday Clubs Go
- Winchester Schools Training Alliance
Explore high-quality Initial Teacher Training with Winchester Schools Training Alliance at The Westgate School. Check out vacancies and open mornings now Winchester Schools Training Alliance Winchester Schools Training Alliance Winchester Schools Training Alliance Winchester Schools Training Alliance Winchester Schools Training Alliance Winchester Schools Training Alliance Winchester Schools Training Alliance Winchester Schools Training Alliance Winchester Schools Training Alliance Winchester Schools Training Alliance Winchester Schools Training Alliance Winchester Schools Training Alliance Winchester Schools Training Alliance Interested in Training to be a Teacher? The Westgate School is the lead school in the Winchester Schools Training Alliance. Working with 18 schools in the Winchester area to provide high-quality, school led Initial Teacher Training. See the website for details of Train to Teach Open Mornings and further information. Home Our School Headteacher's Welcome Ofsted Safeguarding Statutory Information | SEND Policies Admissions Governance Pupil Premium | Catch-up Statement Vacancies School News Calendar & Open Events Contact
- Contact
Reach out to The Westgate School in Winchester for inquiries, visits, and more information about our outstanding educational offerings. Contact Contact The Westgate School, Cheriton Road, Winchester, SO22 5AZ | 01962 854757 | contact@westgate.hants.sch.uk Reporting Absences: Please use EduLink to report pupil absences. For all other urgent enquiries, please call our main reception between 9.00am - 3.30pm. The receptionist will, if possible, put you through to the relevant person or log your call and pass it on. Calls may be recorded for quality and training purposes. Opening Hours: The school office is open to visitors from 8.20am until 4.00pm. Contractors/Deliveries outside these hours, please contact the Site Team on 07546 003657 Community lettings / Facilities Hire Explore facility hire at The Westgate School. Ideal for events, sports, and meetings with modern amenities. Flexible scheduling and competitive rates. Book now. Hire our facilities at The Westgate School Current community who use the school's facilities Email Correspondence: Email contact@westgate.hants.sch.uk and include in the subject the line 'For the attention of' and the name of the member of staff. We endeavour to respond to emails within three school working days from receipt. This is because the matter may need investigation or indeed, because colleagues are engaged in teaching/working with pupils. Any requests for meetings will be co-ordinated by the School. Unfortunately, owing to the need to co-ordinate diaries when colleagues are teaching, electronic meeting invites from parents cannot be accepted. Please use the usual contact routes to request a meeting. We appreciate your understanding and partnership. Contact the right person: For parents of secondary phase pupils, your main contact will be your child's Tutor and then Year Leaders for more serious or pastoral matters. For parents of primary phase pupils, your main contact will be your child's class teacher. Headteacher: Mrs Dean Senior Deputy: Mrs Edwards Chair of Governors: Mrs Penelope Catchpole Data Protection Officer: Mr Maurice Pay Careers Enquiries: Mr Hurley SEN Information: If your child has a Special Educational Need and you would like to discuss this with our SENCO. Please send an email marked for the attention of Mrs A. Villien to sendcontact@westgate.hants.sch.uk or complete this form: SEND Contact Request Form Information on SEN provision can be found in the SEN Report within the statutory Information page Safeguarding Information: If your concern pertains to a matter of child safety, please do not hesitate to call the School Office (01962 854757) and ask to speak to: Your child’s Year Leader (Secondary Phase) Primary Phase: Mrs Edwards Mr Pearce, Assistant Headteacher, Senior Designated Safeguarding Lead Mrs Fyvie-Rae, Associate Senior Leader, Designated Safeguarding Lead Mrs Evans, Deputy Headteacher, Senior DSL All-Through Further details are available on our Safeguarding Page Alternatively, please send an email using 'CHILD SAFETY' as the title to safeguarding@westgate.hants.sch.uk Please note this account is monitored during school open hours, term time only. If you have a concern about child safety out of hours and term time contact Children’s Services on 0300 555 1384 or the Police on 101 (non emergency) or 999 (emergency) Further details on reporting child abuse can be found here Hampshire County Council: Reporting Child Abuse For Pupils Emails are not monitored during the holidays so adults in school will not receive your email. If you are in immediate need of support, then you should tell an adult you trust. You can also call a service such as Childline 0800 1111; Samaritans 116123; Kooth - Home - Kooth ; Police 101 or in an emergency dial 999. The Westgate School's Department of Education number: 850/4012 Home Our School Headteacher's Welcome Ofsted Safeguarding Statutory Information | SEND Policies Admissions Governance Pupil Premium | Catch-up Statement Vacancies School News Calendar & Open Events Contact