Our Home School Partnership and Agreement
The school is entitled to expect that:
The Westgate School is a community of learners where partnerships inspire success for all; learning together – achieving excellence.
As a Pupil, you:
Are punctual and attend everyday
Adhere to the School’s uniform
Work with determination and commitment; complete home learning tasks and meet deadlines
Take responsibility for your own learning, organisation and behaviour
Are kind, honest and polite, showing considerate behaviour at all times
Show respect for others, their possessions and the school environment
Participate to the best of your ability in all school and House activities
Tell us if you are worried or concerned about something
Follow without question, the School’s safer use of IT policies
Do not have your mobile phone/iPods etc out during the school day unless asked to use it by a teacher as part of a learning activity (including at break and lunchtimes); follow the School’s policy
As a Parent, you:
Support the School’s ethos and policies - working in partnership with us
Respect the roles and rights of individuals in school
Avoid using forums like social media (including Facebook) to air any concerns/disagreements.
Engage with the school in a way that reflects our expectations of pupils acting as positive role models in communication
Ensure regular and punctual attendance by your child, avoiding holidays in term time
Try to avoid making appointments for your child during the school day
Ensure your child comes to school in full uniform and with appropriate equipment
Do your best to provide the space and time at home to enable your child to complete their home learning tasks
Endeavour to support school activities (parents’ evenings/concerts/events)
Advise the school directly of problems/achievements/issues as they arise and work in partnership with us to resolve them
Reply to school communications and supply information about absence preferably by phone immediately or by a note in the Pupil Handbook for Learning
Read and sign the Pupil Handbook for Learning (every week in Secondary Phase)
Read with your child regularly and sign their reading record book in the Primary Phase
Avoid using mobile phones to contact your child during the school day: please use reception for messages
Ensure that your contact details and medical information about your child are always up to date
Pupils and Parents are entitled to expect that we will:
Provide a happy, safe and caring environment for learning
Provide effective teaching
Effectively monitor your child’s progress
Acknowledge your child’s efforts, achievements and progress
Set appropriate home learning tasks
Provide up to date information about school events
Communicate (in a timely way) any concerns that may arise
Deal with challenges in a professional, fair and consistent manner
Make ourselves available to discuss any concerns you may have
Report to you every day regarding your child’s punctuality, participation, home learning and uniform via our stamp system (Secondary Phase)
Be available to talk briefly at the end of the day in the Primary Phase